The Arran Malt, Icons of Arran #2 – The Rowan Tree 12 Year Old – Review

Another huge thank you to Jason at Guid Scotch Drink for the sample. I grew up in Milwaukee, WI with a great Rowan Tree (Sorbus americana) in our front yard.  In many ways, it was the ideal tree for a bunch of suburban boys, fantastic for climbing and each year come summer, fully stocked with … Continue reading The Arran Malt, Icons of Arran #2 – The Rowan Tree 12 Year Old – Review

The Arran Malt, Icons of Arran #1, Peacock 12 Year Old – Review

A huge thank you to Jason at Guid Scotch Drink for the sample. If you haven't given him a so. Interesting facts about Peacocks (Pavo Cristatus): Part of the Pheasant family, Peacock's are actually Peafowl. The word "Peacock" refers, damn appropriately I might add, only to the male of the species. The female is … Continue reading The Arran Malt, Icons of Arran #1, Peacock 12 Year Old – Review